Jacket Measurements

Body Neck: Measure around the base of your neck where the shirts collar would normally sit, below your adams apple. Allow enough room for one finger between the measuring tape and your neck while taking the measurement.

Front Length: Measure the length of the jacket by beginning at the point where the collar and shoulder meets the neck band and measure till the bottom end of the front shirt.

Sleeve Length: Measure the sleeve length by beginning at the shoulder sleeve attachment to end of the sleeve.

Yoke: Below ½”from shoulder point, measure the width of the yoke seam to seam at shoulder forward line

Half Shoulder: Measure the half shoulder of the jacket by beginning at the point where the collar and shoulder meets the neck and measure till the shoulder sleeve attachment.

Chest: Measure the chest width just below the area where the arms meet the body.

Waist: Measure the waist end to end about 5” below the armpit, it will be at the same line of the waist buttoning position .

Bottom: Measure at the bottom of the jacket.

Sleeve Inseam length: Measure the sleeve inseam length by beginning at the under armpit point where it meets to armhole, to end of the sleeve.

Biceps/Sleeve Width: Measure from the bottom of the sleeve, where it meets the body to the top of the sleeve.

Cuff: Measure the folded cuff from end to end while keeping the tape straight.

Jacket Length: Measure the length of the jacket by beginning at the point where the yoke meets the neck band and measure till the bottom end of the jacket.

Side Seam Length: Measure the side seam by beginning at the under armpit point where it meets to armhole, till bottom by keeping the tape straight and parallel to front dart.

Lapel Width: Measure the width half an inch below the collar joint from fold to end by keeping the tape straight .